UnifyFS API for I/O Middleware

This section describes the purpose, concepts, and usage of the UnifyFS library API.

Library API Purpose

The UnifyFS library API provides a direct interface for UnifyFS configuration, namespace management, and batched file I/O and transfer operations. The library is primarily targeted for use by I/O middleware software such as HDF5 and VeloC, but is also useful for user applications needing programmatic control and interactions with UnifyFS.


Use of the library API is not required for most applications, as UnifyFS will transparently intercept I/O operations made by the application. See Example Programs for examples of typical application usage.

Library API Concepts

Namespace (aka Mountpoint)

All UnifyFS clients provide the mountpoint prefix (e.g., “/unifyfs”) that is used to distinguish the UnifyFS namespace from other file systems available to the client application. All absolute file paths that include the mountpoint prefix are treated as belonging to the associated UnifyFS namespace.

Using the library API, an application or I/O middleware system can operate on multiple UnifyFS namespaces concurrently.

File System Handle

All library API methods require a file system handle parameter of type unifyfs_handle. Users obtain a valid handle via an API call to unifyfs_initialize(), which specifies the mountpoint prefix and configuration settings associated with the handle.

Multiple handles can be acquired by the same client. This permits access to multiple namespaces, or different configured behaviors for the same namespace.

Global File Identifier

A global file identifier (gfid) is a unique integer identifier for a given absolute file path within a UnifyFS namespace. Clients accessing the exact same file path are guaranteed to obtain the same gfid value when creating or opening the file. I/O operations use the gfid to identify the target file.

Note that unlike POSIX file descriptors, a gfid is strictly a unique identifier and has no associated file state such as a current file position pointer. As such, it is valid to obtain the gfid for a file in a single process (e.g., via file creation), and then share the resulting gfid value among other parallel processes via a collective communication mechanism.

Library API Types

The file system handle type is a pointer to an opaque client structure that records the associated mountpoint and configuration.

File system handle type
/* UnifyFS file system handle (opaque pointer) */
typedef struct unifyfs_client* unifyfs_handle;

I/O requests take the form of a unifyfs_io_request structure that includes the target file gfid, the specific I/O operation (unifyfs_ioreq_op) to be applied, and associated operation parameters such as the file offset or user buffer and size. The structure also contains fields used for tracking the status of the request (unifyfs_req_state) and operation results (unifyfs_ioreq_result).

File I/O request types
/* I/O request structure */
typedef struct unifyfs_io_request {
    /* user-specified fields */
    void* user_buf;
    size_t nbytes;
    off_t offset;
    unifyfs_gfid gfid;
    unifyfs_ioreq_op op;

    /* status/result fields */
    unifyfs_req_state state;
    unifyfs_ioreq_result result;
} unifyfs_io_request;

/* Enumeration of supported I/O request operations */
typedef enum unifyfs_ioreq_op {
} unifyfs_ioreq_op;

/* Enumeration of API request states */
typedef enum unifyfs_req_state {
} unifyfs_req_state;

/* Structure containing I/O request result values */
typedef struct unifyfs_ioreq_result {
    int error;
    int rc;
    size_t count;
} unifyfs_ioreq_result;

For the unifyfs_ioreq_result structure, successful operations will set the rc and count fields as applicable to the specific operation type. All operational failures are reported by setting the error field to a non-zero value corresponding the the operation failure code, which is often a POSIX errno value.

File transfer requests use a unifyfs_transfer_request structure that includes the source and destination file paths, transfer mode, and a flag indicating whether parallel file transfer should be used. Similar to I/O requests, the structure also contains fields used for tracking the request status and transfer operation result.

File transfer request types
/* File transfer request structure */
typedef struct unifyfs_transfer_request {
    /* user-specified fields */
    const char* src_path;
    const char* dst_path;
    unifyfs_transfer_mode mode;
    int use_parallel;

    /* status/result fields */
    unifyfs_req_state state;
    unifyfs_transfer_result result;
} unifyfs_transfer_request;

/* Enumeration of supported I/O request operations */
typedef enum unifyfs_transfer_mode {
    UNIFYFS_TRANSFER_MODE_COPY, // simple copy to destination
    UNIFYFS_TRANSFER_MODE_MOVE  // copy, then remove source
} unifyfs_transfer_mode;

/* File transfer result structure */
typedef struct unifyfs_transfer_result {
    int error;
    int rc;
    size_t file_size_bytes;
    double transfer_time_seconds;
} unifyfs_transfer_result;

Example Library API Usage

To get started using the library API, please add the following to your client source code files that will make calls to API methods. You will also need to modify your client application build process to link with the libunifyfs_api library.

Including the API header
#include <unifyfs/unifyfs_api.h>

The common pattern for using the library API is to initialize a UnifyFS file system handle, perform a number of operations using that handle, and then release the handle. As previously mentioned, the same client process may initialize multiple file system handles and use them concurrently, either to work with multiple namespaces, or to use different configured behaviors with different handles sharing the same namespace.

File System Handle Initialization and Finalization

To initialize a handle to UnifyFS, the client application uses the unifyfs_initialize() method as shown below. This method takes the namespace mountpoint prefix and an array of optional configuration parameter settings as input parameters, and initializes the value of the passed file system handle upon success.

In the example below, the logio.chunk_size configuration parameter, which controls the size of the log-based I/O data chunks, is set to the value of 32768. See UnifyFS Configuration for further options for customizing the behavior of UnifyFS.

UnifyFS handle initialization
int n_configs = 1;
unifyfs_cfg_option chk_size = { .opt_name = "logio.chunk_size",
                                .opt_value = "32768" };

const char* unifyfs_prefix = "/my/unifyfs/namespace";
unifyfs_handle fshdl = UNIFYFS_INVALID_HANDLE;
int rc = unifyfs_initialize(unifyfs_prefix, &chk_size, n_configs, &fshdl);

Once all UnifyFS operation using the handle have been completed, the client application should call unifyfs_finalize() as shown below to release the resources associated with the handle.

UnifyFS handle finalization
int rc = unifyfs_finalize(fshdl);

File Creation, Use, and Removal

New files should be created by a single client process using unifyfs_create() as shown below. Note that if multiple clients attempt to create the same file, only one will succeed.


Currently, the create_flags parameter is unused; it is reserved for future use to indicate file-specific UnifyFS behavior.

UnifyFS file creation
const char* filename = "/my/unifyfs/namespace/a/new/file";
int create_flags = 0;
unifyfs_gfid gfid = UNIFYFS_INVALID_GFID;
int rc = unifyfs_create(fshdl, create_flags, filename, &gfid);

Existing files can be opened by any client process using unifyfs_open().

UnifyFS file use
const char* filename = "/my/unifyfs/namespace/an/existing/file";
unifyfs_gfid gfid = UNIFYFS_INVALID_GFID;
int access_flags = O_RDWR;
int rc = unifyfs_open(fshdl, access_flags, filename, &gfid);

When no longer required, files can be deleted using unifyfs_remove().

UnifyFS file removal
const char* filename = "/my/unifyfs/namespace/an/existing/file";
int rc = unifyfs_remove(fshdl, filename);

Batched File I/O

File I/O operations in the library API use a batched request interface similar to POSIX lio_listio(). A client application dispatches an array of I/O operation requests, where each request identifies the target file gfid, the operation type (e.g., read, write, or truncate), and associated operation parameters. Upon successful dispatch, the operations will be executed by UnifyFS in an asynchronous manner that allows the client to overlap other computation with I/O. The client application must then explicitly wait for completion of the requests in the batch. After an individual request has been completed (or canceled by the client), the request’s operation results can be queried.

When dispatching a set of requests that target the same file, there is an order imposed on the types of operations. First, all read operations are processed, followed by writes, then truncations, and finally synchronization operations. Note that this means a read request will not observe any data written in the same batch.

A simple use case for batched I/O is shown below, where the client dispatches a batch of requests including several rank-strided write operations followed by a metadata sync to make those writes visible to other clients, and then immediately waits for completion of the entire batch.

Synchronous Batched I/O
/* write and sync file metadata */
size_t n_chks = 10;
size_t chunk_size = 1048576;
size_t block_size = chunk_size * total_ranks;
size_t n_reqs = n_chks + 1;
unifyfs_io_request my_reqs[n_reqs];
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_chks; i++) {
    my_reqs[i].op = UNIFYFS_IOREQ_OP_WRITE;
    my_reqs[i].gfid = gfid;
    my_reqs[i].nbytes = chunk_size;
    my_reqs[i].offset = (off_t)((i * block_size) + (my_rank * chunk_size));
    my_reqs[i].user_buf = my_databuf + (i * chksize);
my_reqs[n_chks].op = UNIFYFS_IOREQ_OP_SYNC_META;
my_reqs[n_chks].gfid = gfid;

rc = unifyfs_dispatch_io(fshdl, n_reqs, my_reqs);
if (rc == UNIFYFS_SUCCESS) {
    int waitall = 1;
    rc = unifyfs_wait_io(fshdl, n_reqs, my_reqs, waitall);
    if (rc == UNIFYFS_SUCCESS) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n_reqs; i++) {
            assert(my_reqs[i].result.error == 0);

Batched File Transfers

File transfer operations in the library API also use a batched request interface. A client application dispatches an array of file transfer requests, where each request identifies the source and destination file paths and the transfer mode. Two transfer modes are currently supported:

  1. COPY - Copy source file to destination path.
  2. MOVE - Copy source file to destination path, then remove source file.

Upon successful dispatch, the transfer operations will be executed by UnifyFS in an asynchronous manner that allows the client to overlap other computation with I/O. The client application must then explicitly wait for completion of the requests in the batch. After an individual request has been completed (or canceled by the client), the request’s operation results can be queried.

A simple use case for batched transfer is shown below, where the client dispatches a batch of requests and then immediately waits for completion of the entire batch.

Synchronous Batched File Transfers
/* move output files from UnifyFS to parallel file system */
const char* destfs_prefix = "/some/parallel/filesystem/location";
size_t n_files = 3;
unifyfs_transfer_request my_reqs[n_files];
char src_file[PATHLEN_MAX];
char dst_file[PATHLEN_MAX];
for (int i = 0; i < (int)n_files; i++) {
    snprintf(src_file, sizeof(src_file), "%s/file.%d", unifyfs_prefix, i);
    snprintf(dst_file, sizeof(src_file), "%s/file.%d", destfs_prefix, i);
    my_reqs[i].src_path = strdup(src_file);
    my_reqs[i].dst_path = strdup(dst_file);
    my_reqs[i].mode = UNIFYFS_TRANSFER_MODE_MOVE;
    my_reqs[i].use_parallel = 1;

rc = unifyfs_dispatch_transfer(fshdl, n_files, my_reqs);
if (rc == UNIFYFS_SUCCESS) {
    int waitall = 1;
    rc = unifyfs_wait_transfer(fshdl, n_files, my_reqs, waitall);
    if (rc == UNIFYFS_SUCCESS) {
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)n_files; i++) {
            assert(my_reqs[i].result.error == 0);

More Examples

Additional examples demonstrating use of the library API can be found in the unit tests (see api-unit-tests).